Beyond Isolationism

Ethical Border Security to Reduce Exploitation and Enhance Worker Rights



 In the ongoing debate about border security, the idea of building a wall between the US and Mexico can conjure images of isolationism and nationalism. Typically associated with conservative agendas, it's a concept that many liberals instinctively oppose, often without thinking critically about the issue. Despite the current national conversation however, upon closer examination, there are compelling reasons why those who root their beliefs in humanitarian values should reconsider their stance and support secure borders, including the construction of walls where appropriate. By allowing conditions which lead to illegal immigration, our nation perpetuates the exploitation of a vulnerable population.

"Immigration Reform Leaders Arrested in Washington DC" by Nevele Otseog is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Workers Rights


 When the rights of one group of workers are ignored or violated, it sets a dangerous legal and ethical precedent. When immigrants are able to enter the US illegally, they frequently become a vulnerable underclass of workers, living in fear of deportation and subject to exploitation and abuse in the workforce. Representing millions of individuals, this underclass is a stark reality, not a theoretical concept. Its members contribute to our economy while being denied basic rights and protections. Employers, both incorporated and individual, take advantage of this vulnerability to lower costs and evade labor laws. The situation not only undermines the dignity of this class of workers but also sets a precedent which weakens the rights of all. It can lead to a slippery slope where workers rights become easier to compromise, diminishing the humanity and dignity afforded to all workers under the law. By creating legal divisions among workers, it also weakens the solidarity of all those whose purpose in work is to provide for themselves and their loved ones. Ensuring a secure border reduces the influx of this exploitable labor force. By failing to address this issue head-on, Americans tacitly endorse a form of modern-day exploitation. 

 Reform must include robust protections for workers' rights, ensuring that all those who do work in our great nation are entitled to fair wages, safe working conditions, and protection from exploitation. This approach not only prevents the exploitation of undocumented immigrants but also lays the foundation for a system that respects the rule of law while remaining true to our humanitarian values. It's about creating a framework where immigrants are welcomed through clear, fair, and legal channels, ensuring that they contribute to and benefit from our society without fear or reservation. Combining reform ofimmigration policies and persuit of those who exploint the labor of illigal immigrants, we can better protect the rights and dignity of all workers, better ensuring fair labor practices for everyone.

Humanitarian Reasons


 Currently, the dangerous and often deadly journey to cross the southern US border illegally is a grim reality for thousands of migrants. Before making the commitment to migrate, many do not understand the risks they will take in doing so, such as walking for days in deserts and crossing treacherous rivers. By strengthening border security our country can significantly reduce human trafficking and the loss of lives in the treacherous terrain along the southern border. Research suggests that border barriers, while not 100% effective or practical in certain circumstances, can discourage unauthorized border crossings. It may also dissuade some from attempting to cross due to the perceived increased risk and difficulty. This effect is not just physical but also perceptual, as border walls tangibly represent our nation's commitment to enforcing border policies. We must take into account, however, that without corresponding policy reform, walls and increased border security may push migrants to take even more dangerous routes to evade detection.

"Immigration checkpoint" by jonathan mcintosh is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Promoting Effective Immigration Policy


 A secure border does not contradict the goal of a fair and humane immigration system. Rather, it complements it by discouraging illegal entry and promoting orderly, legal migration processes. Legal pathways to immigration are often limited, expensive, and time-consuming. Enhancing border security without a significant overhaul of the immigration system will not address the fundamental issues that compel individuals to migrate illegally. With effective border security, political resources can be redirected to improving the legal immigration system, making it more accessible and efficient for those seeking asylum or a new life in the US. 

 Creating legal paths to citizenship is undoubtedly a complex and politically sensitive endeavor. It requires a level of political courage that has been lacking recently in our national discourse and actions. Embracing this challenge means facing political risks, engaging in difficult negotiations with those who advocate ‘building the wall’ for cultural reasons, and making compromises. However, it is a necessary step to ensure that our immigration policies reflect American values of fairness, compassion, and respect for human dignity. We should not resort to "lazy liberalism," the tendency to accept the status quo of illegal immigration without pushing for the necessary, albeit difficult, reforms that would create legal pathways for citizenship. Addressing this moral crisis requires comprehensive reform that acknowledges the contributions of undocumented workers and offers them a path to legal status. Such reform would not only rectify the injustices faced by illegal immigrants but also align with the economic interests of the country by bringing workers out of the shadows and into a regulated, fair labor market.

Safeguarding National Security


 We must not conflate illegal migration with criminality. This perspective risks demonizing migrants, reinforces stereotypes and does not reflect the reality that most illegal immigrants are people who would prefer to migrate legally if the opportunities were accessible and feasible. Yet, while national security is often championed by conservatives, it is undoubtedly a concern that transcends political ideologies, as it directly impacts the values of peace, freedom, public health, and global cooperation that are central to liberal ideology. As we see from examples in other countries, issues such as unemployment, income inequality, and poverty can destabilize societies and make them more susceptible to security threats. Secure borders helps prevent illegal arms trafficking, drug smuggling, and the entry of individuals who do have criminal backgrounds. By supporting secure borders, liberals can contribute to a comprehensive approach to national security that also respects individual liberties and human rights. By advocating for intelligent, measured, and effective national security measures, we can ensure that the institutions of democracy and our safe communities are protected for all those who would contribute positively to them.

"US-Mexico barrier map" by Földhegy is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Encouraging International Cooperation


 A secure border does not mean an isolated nation. On the contrary, it serves as a foundation for stronger and more transparent international relationships by setting clear boundaries and expectations. Well-defined border policies create an environment of trust and respect, essential ingredients for effective international diplomacy. 
For instance, Mexico has been actively involved in efforts to manage and reduce illegal immigration to the U.S. Recent initiatives have included increased enforcement, resulting in a notable decrease in illegal border crossings. Mexico's immigration agency has conducted flights to repatriate migrants to their home countries and has coordinated with the U.S. on managing migration flows, which reflects a broader trend of bilateral cooperation on this issue. For our part, the U.S. has acknowledged the positive outcomes of collaborations with Mexico and expressed its commitment to supporting regional migration management, including in countries like Guatemala, from where many migrants originate. However, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has emphasized that the responsibility for addressing illegal immigration primarily lies with the U.S. and Central American countries, indicating a viewpoint that Mexico has limited responsibility for resolving the issue of illegal migration.

By establishing a clear stance that the US is not a destination for illegal immigration, Central American countries can enjoy a more stable and predictable immigration environment, and Mexico would be encouraged not to position itself to be a pass-through country for regional illegal immigration. This stability can encourage investment and economic cooperation, leading to growth and prosperity on both sides of the border, such as with the Biden administration's commitment to address root causes of migration. By taking responsibility for our border security, the US can engage more constructively with Mexico and other nations on the underlying issues for why the citizens of these nations are compelled to migrate illegally, such as entrenched corruption, grinding poverty, economic stagnation, and fear of violence in their home 

Final Thoughts


 The issue of undocumented workers and their exploitation is a glaring blemish on the moral fabric of our society. It's a complex problem that requires not just policy changes but also a shift in our collective consciousness. We must recognize the humanity and dignity of all workers and take decisive steps to ensure that our economy does not thrive on the backs of the exploited and encourage conditions which lead to it. While the concept of a border wall might initially seem at odds with liberal values, a deeper exploration reveals that secure borders can align with and even advance liberal principles. By ensuring safety, upholding labor rights, promoting fair immigration policies, enhancing national security, and fostering international cooperation, liberals can advocate for a form of border security that is compassionate, effective, and principled. By addressing illegal immigration we can align our policies with our principles and move towards a more just and equitable society.