About me


I'm a project manager for construction and software projects, mainly in the energy sector, and have expertise in schedule and cost tracking. I help make sure projects get done on time and budget. Husband to Zi Ye Neary. BU MBA graduate. My parents worked hard in both blue and white collar jobs to give me the opportunities I have. Their values guide me to help make sure others come up as well. I have been active in transparent government and voting rights groups for many years, currently serving as the Massachusetts Chapter Lead for the nonpartisan group RepresentUS, which advocates for anti-corruption legislation.


After saving for five years to purchase a home, the house we purchased, 17 Hart St, was declared not feasibly repairable by a structural engineer, and we made the decision to rebuild it. Told we could plan to finish in 2021, extended Brookline and Massachusetts zoning processes meant that, rather than being secure in our Hart Street home, we were not able to move back until 2023.


I hope that I can help you the same way others have helped me. Together we can make our neighborhoods even better.